Tips for Writing in English

Tips for Writing in English

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I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say

                                                                                                                                      -Flannery O'Connor  

English is a global language. Being the most spoken language in the world with over a billion speakers, it is the lingua franca of the international business community. Conversational English capabilities can help put forward views in the most succinct way possible, thus aiding your professional and personal goals.

Not only English but for learning any language, writing is the best way possible. Writing forms an essential part of mastering in any language. It helps to improve all aspects of the language- Speaking, Vocabulary and Grammar. It aids in organising thoughts, thus increasing cognitive abilities.

Here are some of the tips that can help you in writing in English language:

Identify the purpose of writing

One can be writing for anything- formal or informal reasons. Formal situations include writing an application form for leave, a business proposal or an office circular. While informal reasons are diary writing, an email to a friend or social media posts.

There are considerable differences that must be kept in mind while writing for both purposes. For example, it is generally not recommended to use abbreviations in formal writings. The grammar structure is also more complex in formal situations. For example:

  • "Could you pass me that cup please" (Formal)
  • "Pass me that cup" (Informal)

So, it is advisable to fully understand the purpose of writing before picking up the pen.

Internet searching

The invention of the Internet might be the single biggest boon for the writers out there! With tons of information on the web, make sure to do ample research before taking up a writing task. 

However, if one is writing for informal reasons, like scribbling down thoughts on a paper, extensive research might not be necessary. Nevertheless, having some prior knowledge of the topic can help generate new ideas for the composition.

Read, Read, Read

"Reading is important. If you know how to read, then the whole world opens up to you."

We cannot emphasise enough on these words by the former president, Barack Obama. Firstly, reading a lot can enrich vocabulary. Secondly, one can understand the different styles of writing to be used in a variety of situations. 

For instance, autobiographies can help to understand the informal way of English writing. Whereas, the formal words and complex grammar structures can be understood from newspapers. Additionally, it dramatically boosts your knowledge too!

Start writing

"The first draft is just you telling yourself the story."

This is a rudimentary but the first and foremost step to improve your writing! All of us have apprehensions regarding the content, the words or the grammatical mistakes that we might commit while writing. But remember, one can not improve on a blank page. 

So, just take up a paper and a pen and start writing. Use phrases that you might have seen in a magazine somewhere, throw in new words and commit mistakes! 

Re-read your writing

This is the first step of the feedback process. We know that it can be a bit tough to read our writing, but it is one of the most important steps. After reading, you can pinpoint your own mistakes. One can get a better understanding of one's writing style, as well as the state of mind. 

There are a few points to be noted while re-reading the composition. One should not re-read the moment writing is finished. One should wait for some hours before picking up to read. While writing, one has a different state of mind, which can differ after a few hours. It thus helps to read the piece objectively, thus finding more flaws and thinking of better ways to write your content. 

Get someone to read

It might be embarrassing to send the not-so-good piece for someone to read but trust us, it is essential. Getting a second opinion can help to look at things from a different point of view. It diversifies thoughts and makes you broad-minded. Ultimately, this trend will be reflected in writing.

Sending a relative or a friend with a good command over English must be on the checklist if you are set to improve English writing skills!

Practice new sentences

After writing a fair amount of pieces, one will surely command over simple and most commonly used English phrases. That is the point when you start experimentations. There are more than one ways to say the same thing in English. It is advisable to practice all of them, slowly and one at a time. It will also avoid monotonicity (tedious reiteration) and bring colours to your composition!

Tighten your writing

A good composition is one which conveys all the vital information, without tiring the reader. Especially in the case of formal composition, one must make sure that there is no rambling. Be precise in your writing. Use as few words as possible. Even in informal situations, while one does get some leeway in over-explanation, one should try to make it as refined as possible. 


The high chances are that one will stop after a few failed attempts. And that is where the attempt to master English language comes to an end! Anyone can get demotivated after 2-3 months of stagnant improvement in writing skills. However, it is important to continue despite that. Nobody can achieve great strides in just a few months. 

Practice makes a man perfect! It is okay to take one step at a time every day. Do not ever stop writing, even after achieving 'perfectionism'. 

Diary writing

Last but not least, keeping a journal has been highly recommended by teachers and academicians. Penning down helps to organise thoughts, which would help in structuring the composition in the future. It will also help to understand your "true self"- which would introduce you to your own "uniqueness'

This singularity will make your writing distinct from others. Journal keeping has additional benefits of personality development, stress alleviation and self-discovery. 

A guided path to writing can be pursued at Langma School of Languages. With professional trainers and experts, we ensure that your English writing skills are improved within a few weeks!

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